Contact UsSpecializes in the production ofelectrolytes mainly used for lithium-ion battery

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Business consultation/after-sales service/complaint opinion (service hotline)+86-512-51919161

Add: No. 88-2, Haifeng Road, Haiyu Town, Changshu City
Tel:+86-512-51919161(Office)  +86-512-52320561, +86-19551052117(Sales)

Jiangsu Xintai Material Technology Co., Ltd. Address: No. 88-2, Haifeng Road, Haiyu Town, Changshu City, Jiangsu Province
Jiangsu Taiji Material Technology Co., Ltd. Address: No. 20, Haiping Road, Haiyu Town, Changshu City, Jiangsu Province
Jiangsu Tairui Lianteng Material Technology Co., Ltd. Address: No. 16, Haikang Road, Haiyu Town, Changshu City, Jiangsu Province
Jiangsu Tairui Lianteng Supply Chain Co., Ltd. Address: No. 16, Haikang Road, Haiyu Town, Changshu City, Jiangsu Province

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Jiangsu Tonze New Energy Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Tonze Electric Co., Ltd., which is a high-tech enterprise recognized by the Stat

Service Hotline +86-0512-51919161
Contact Us

Add: No. 88-2, Haifeng Road, Haiyu Town, Changshu City
Tel:+86-512-51919161(Office) +86-512-52320561, +86-19551052117(Sales)

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